Why I’m not succumbing to despair in the context of design and AI
I'm open to options and this is a great moment for new software options.
We know what exists and what has been possible. It is time to use new tools to see what else can we do. Imagination is the main constraint.
The technical barrier is dissolving and building digital things is way easier and faster. This could lead to an over saturation of digital products, even more than what exists now, but it also means that we are in a golden age for creating.
The time we spend with each digital tool is limited. My partner recently told me how he spent a couple hours trying new podcast apps. He chose the one with a particular feature that lets you create playlists and rearrange the order of the episodes. What if instead of searching for an app, we could create one that does the exact thing you want them to do, for your specific context and interests. I like to think of new tools that could make this possible.
I’m very optimistic about the potential of this moment. I can now build the things that I’ve been thinking of for years. Have an idea and create a prototype in a day, instead of taking a month or a year. Validate and move on, decide what works and what needs more work and keep going. The new ways of creating are possibly coming from smaller intentional and ambitious projects.
We’re in a new era of computation. Alternative interfaces and ways of interacting are in dire need. A certain type of designer and builder is needed to help navigate ambiguity. New old skills are needed: be experimental, flexible, ambitious, friendly. Think of everything, be present, low ego and high energy. Can’t wait to see what we do.